Friday, October 5, 2007

The Perfect Job

I would love to have some sort of Marketing job. I love talking and working with people. Or I would love to have a lucrative photography business so I could stay at home and work from home and be able to be with the boys after school and school holidays.

10 Things I love about Fall

1. Cooler Weather
2. Fall Clothes
3. Football
4. Thanksgiving
5. Leaves changing colors
6. Pumpkins
7. Pumpkin Pie
8. School Starting
9. My Birthday
10. Time Change

The Perfect Burger

Cheddar Cheese (lots of cheese)
Well done Angus Beef

and some homemade fries from Salt Grass to go with it!

My Hero

I am way behind on topis to blog with my cyber sisters so here is a start!
My Hero has to be my son Briley. Out of all his brothers he was the one born with some setbacks. He was born with a birth defect of his genitals called hypospadius. He has had three surgeries to correct this in his short little lifetime so far. He is good to go in that area. And now as most of you know he had surgery on four major muscles in both legs. Despite his inability to run, jump, climb, ride bikes etc, like his four brothers.....he is the happiest boy I know. He is so sweet to everyone he meets and has the best attitude! His memory in incredible and he is so smart. All my boys are special and I love them all but Briley is my Hero! I always say Briley will either be a preacher or a Doctor. He loves the Lord as much as any seven year old boy can! I am so blessed to be Briley's mother and so blessed to have such wonderful boys, even if God did decided to give them to me all at once!

Monday, October 1, 2007


The knife was a play knife by the way!

My Boys