Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The following are things I love about summer!

1. Well I can't hardly wait until my wedding! August 10th.....3 1/2 months to go!

2. I love taking my boys swimming! Anything I can do to entertain all five at once is wonderful!

3. Patio at Abuelos!

4. No School means NO homework! I don't know about yall, but do you ever feel like the homework is for the parents instead of the kids?

5. Flip flops!


Kerry Kern said...

I agree, and bless your heart with homework x's 5, thats alot!love me some flip flops

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

I forgot about flip flops! Yay!

Averi said...

Flip flops is so my #6! I love them becaus I love shoes...and they are like cheap shoes so I can buy a lot!

I am so glad there is no homework at my house...yet!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

I absolutely feel like homework is for all your reasons for loving summer.

My Boys